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Breed Standard of

The Mini Schnauzer


Let's tale a look at the breed standard of the Miniature Schnauzer shall we?


The Miniature Schnauzer is shown in the terrier group in both the American and Canadian Kennel Clubs, but is shown in the Utility group in all other kennel clubs.


The breed standards as used by the American Kennel Club and other kennel clubs are as follows:





The head should be rectangular in shape and should appear to be strong; and the dog should have a keen intelligent look.

There should be a slight tapering from the ears to the eyes, and from the eyes to the tip of the nose

The top of the skull should be flat, and the forehead should be unwrinkled. 

The muzzle is strong and blunt, and is covered with a thick layer of whiskers, while the teeth have a scissors bite and should be even and strong.

The eyes are small dark brown ovals and should be deep-set.

The ears are either cropped or natural. Cropped ears should be symmetrical and come to a definite tip. Natural ears should fold over in a v-shape and fold close to the skull.



The neck should be in proportion and should appear to be strong.

It should have an arch from the back of the skull to the body.



Size - From 12 to 14 inches. He is sturdy dog.

The body should be deep and have a pronounced brisket.

The belly should not cut up into the back, rather it should be slightly angled towards the back from the ribs. 

The backline is straight and there should be a slight drop from the withers to the back of the tail.

The tail should be set high on the back and carried erect.



The front legs should be straight and parallel from all directions.

The elbows should be carried close to the body and should not appear to stick out to the sides.

The shoulders should appear powerful and muscular, and should be towards the back, not forward towards the chest.

The legs should have a fluid motion and should be able to extend fully forward.

The feet are very compact and resemble the round feet of a cat.

The pads should be black.



The hindquarters are muscular looking and are bent at the stifles.

The hocks extend beyond the tail when the dog is standing for show. 

The back legs are parallel to each other when viewed from all directions.



The coat is thick and double, with longer furnishing on the legs.

The ears, head, neck, chest, tail and body coat is plucked or stripped for showing.

The hair should not appear silky or slick. A coat that is too soft or too smooth will be considered a fault.



There are only three recognized colors;


Black and silver, and

Salt and pepper.


There are several slight color variations depending on the color scheme, but there should not be white striping or spotting, except small white patch allowed on the center of the chest in the black Miniature Schnauzer.



The Miniature Schnauzer is judged in a trot, and the legs should move straight forward and backwards. 

The dog should have a smooth gait and should be fluid looking.



The Miniature Schnauzer should have an alert and spirited temperament, but should be obedient and attentive to the handler.



Unless you are planning to breed your Miniature Schnauzer, their exact conformation to these standards is not necessary. Many Miniature Schnauzers and Miniature Schnauzer crosses are wonderful pets, even if they wouldn’t place first in the show ring.


I am sorry if that was all a bit "dry" but it is a little tricky to make the breed standards exciting.

Feel free to look around some more at our other pages on our  website.

For further detailed information, please consider  the Insider's Complete  Guide Book To The Miniature Schnauzer

This ebook and audio package includes detailed training  guidance and tips  and other extensive resources to best care for your Mini Schnauzer.

There is also a FREE online Mini Schnauzer  course available from the  homepage.

Just Click  Here for more details.

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